Sunday, May 27, 2007

The purpose of the blog

This project is talking about global warming and this topic from the main subjects we have to talk about it. In this project, I am going to make discussion about many points like definition of global warming, effects, causes and purpose of global warming and how much it takes place in our social life.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Review of An Inconvenient Truth

I want to write this review so every reader will begin it and finish it. Global warming is real. It is caused by human activity. Humankind and its governments must begin immediate action to halt and reverse it. If we do nothing, in about 10 years the planet may reach a "tipping point" and begin a slide to damage of our civilization and most of the other species on this planet.
After that point is reached, it would be too late for any action.
Al Gore states these facts in the documentary "An Inconvenient Truth." Forget he ever ran for office. Consider him a concerned man speaking out on the approaching crisis. "There is no argument about these facts," he says in the film. "Out of 925 recent articles in peer-review scientific journals about global warming, there was no disagreement. Zero."
He stands on a stage before a huge screen, in front of an meeting. The documentary is based on a speech he has been developing for six years, and is supported by dramatic visuals. He shows the famous photograph "Earthrise," taken from space by the first American astronauts. Then he shows a series of later space photographs, clearly indicating that glaciers and lakes are shrinking, snows are melting, shorelines are moving back.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Definition of global warming

There are many definitions for global warming which I will mention one of them.

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation.

Green House: A gas, like CO2, which traps the sun's heat.
There are a lot of causes for global warming but scientists proved that Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is one of the main causes of global warming however, there are natural for example the sun.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Causes of global warming

There are many factors give rising of the global warming phenomena. One of them is the huge number of people on the earth helps to increase the temperature on it. Especially in the modern countries, because it organize as industrial country. Because of that, people needs are rising more than before. For instance, these countries establish more factories to cover those needs without care of the air infected. Also, the development transfer the things which are in the past secondary things to be main things presently like cars which release big amount of Carbon Oxide and other gases when the petroleum burning in it. In addition, the greenhouses are considers as one of the biggest causes of the global warming related to their wok method. So that, the water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane assist to heat the earth, because they keep the sunbeams and prevent them back to earth's atmosphere

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Effects of global warming

One of the biggest effects of global warming is the rising of the sea level. The reason for this is the melting of the polar ice caps, causing the rise of the sea level, and threatening the low lying coastal areas and cities causing them to flood. Those countries include Egypt, the Netherlands, and Bangladesh. Moreover, some other countries may even disappear completely out of the face of the earth. Scientists assumed that the warmer the temperature in the sea, the higher it rises. However, the heat causes the water to expand and when the ocean expands more space is taken up. An instance of the melting is the entire coast of Florida. The coast is threatened by rising seas and stronger surges during storms.

Friday, May 4, 2007

UAE action against global warming

Nowadays the global warming has came the most important issue between all countries, therefore the UAE government did very good steps to decrease or to save the world from the quick global, warming and to decrease the carbon dioxide levels. First thing is that the UAE government spent a lot of amount of money to grow the desert and to raise the number of plant lands. They also decided to use another power to reduce the pollution as they make cars with gas oil instead of fuel oil. For instance, they build a huge refinery to produce the gas oil. Next, they transferred the factories far away from the population where the live. The UAE governments always try to use positive steps to profit their people.